Tank Engineering adheres to a seven step process we refer to as Total Tank Management (TTM). This process is used by all our experienced professionals to help owners and operators achieve peak performance and reliability with aboveground tanks in their terminal or process facility. Proper tank and tank systems management is not just about on-line reliability, it is safety-critical as well.
Tank Integrity Assessment
The basis for any tank management program must be a thorough assessment of the storage tank, piping and support systems. This assessment will serve as a reference for all future repairs and upgrades, and applies to all types of tanks including water storage tanks, petroleum and chemical tanks, mineral acid storage tanks and pressure vessels. Most petroleum storage tanks fall under API-650 standards and require API-653 Out-Of-Service inspection at least every 20 years and an In-Service inspection at least every five years, depending on corrosion rates and previous inspection results.
Inspections of pressure vessels are governed by API-510. We are trained, certified and experienced to perform In-Service and Out-of-Service inspections on pressure vessels.
TEAM Consultants’ capable staff of certified inspectors has the knowledge and experience to perform a thorough assessment of your tank while complying with all applicable codes:
- API-653
- API-510
- STI Standard SP001
- AWWA D100
Piping Integrity Assessment
It is not just the tank. Not only must the tank be inspected on a regular frequency, but the piping connected to the tank and the supporting structure must be inspected for integrity as well. A leak in the pipe is the same as a leak in the tank and may, in some ways, be even more hazardous depending on the routing. Piping will be inspected in accordance with API-570 standards.
Secondary Containment Assessment
With increasingly complex and stringent regulations and laws pertaining to secondary containment systems, this is one area that should be assessed by professionals familiar with the requirements and the engineering solutions available to the owner. Tank Engineering can make that assessment. Our inspectors can give you an accurate analysis of the system and provide a direction based on sound engineering practice and requirements of the law, specific to your needs.
Engineering Review & Design
After all of the systems are inspected and documented, our team can review the entire facility and recommend repairs and upgrades to meet the requirements of the law and to make your system operate more safely and reliably. We can also develop thorough Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) plans and Facility Response (FRP) plans.
System Repair & Upgrades
After a plan to repair or modify your system is developed and approved, we can help you implement it. With our extensive experience in terminal and facility operations and construction background, we can provide you with the project and construction management services to achieve your desired results quickly, within your budget and with unmatched quality.
Periodic Inspections
Periodic inspections are not just a regulatory requirement, they are a valuable investment. They can be worth huge savings by helping to avoid emergency failures and unforeseen problems. A periodic inspection by a knowledgeable professional can uncover hidden problems before they become expensive emergencies.
Documentation & Record Keeping
The foundation of the TTM plan is the Tank and Terminal Inspection Notebook created for every tank and tank system that we inspect. This notebook — in both electronic and hard copy form — contains all reports, drawings, and photos for the initial inspection, and repair documentation for all repairs made throughout the tank’s life. All subsequent inspection reports are added to the notebook immediately upon completion. When a repair is made, the associated documentation is also entered. The book is a living document that serves as a record for all assessments, repairs and alterations. It is a vital tool for responding to a government agency when questions or requests for data pertaining to a specific tank and its ancillary equipment arise.
Every inspection report we publish is thorough, complete and tailored to the client’s specifications. In addition to a concise and actionable executive summary, the report will always contain all the raw field data and sketches, integrity calculations and photos needed to communicate the conditions of the tank and tank system and the system’s Fitness-for-Service.
Are you looking for more information about your aboveground tank management, piping or tank inspections, or just more details about our company?
Contact us today.